Thursday, May 16, 2013

WOW alby got stung by a griever and by the way alby is the gladers leader. my god let me tell you how this happened. alby and newt minho(minho the keeper of the runners). he and alby were out investigating a dead griever or so they thought. the griver got up stung alby and ran away. alby and newt had to get back before the doors the the glad closed. but when the doors started to close alby and minho were no longer going to make it. so at the last second thomas sliped out of the dors and the doors slambed shut. thomas had just broken the number one rule of the glad never go out at night. thomas minho and alby made it through the night. what they had to learn in this chapter was that team work can get you a long way instead of only reliing on yourself.that was the day that something changed in alby something major.

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